Sunday, June 30, 2013

La Cultura Aqui!

There are lots of things that are different. For one there is the language. I definitely don´t know as much spanish as I thought I did. I find that it´s a lot easier to hear it and understand it than to actually speak it. Hopefully this next month I´ll be able to soak it all in, or at least most of it. 

One of the hardest habits to break involves toilet paper. Here you are not allowed to flush the toilet paper, don´t ask me why, I just do what I´m told (most of the time). I´ve finally gotten used to this, so when I get back to the states I will have to re-teach myself to flush toilet paper. 

There´s an extremely large amount of perros (dogs) here and it makes me so sad because I want to keep all of them. In my village, I´ve adopted the sweetest one, I call him Amigo (I know real original but whatevs). Everytime we´re there he comes up to us and gets so excited. Then, one day he got ran a bike. It was the saddest thing, but he´s just fine now, I consoled him with lots of pats! 

Where I live, it´s a pretty safe neighborhood, but every once in a while and by that I mean everyday there are fireworks and it scares me silly. At orientation for security training we got shot at, so everytime the fireworks go off I think we´re about to die (but only for a split second). There´s always some sort of celebration/parade going on, so that makes things interesting. The house I stay at is super close to the zocolo; which is a major tourist area here. There´s restaurants, little shops, and not to mention a ton of vendors who come up to you. I can´t tell you the amount of times I´ve had to say no gracias to them. 

Another thing is the absolutely beautiful mountains. When we´re on the bus I love to look and see God´s creation. Before this trip, I had never seen mountains, so it´s something I will miss dearly when I leave. It´s so cool to be able to go to the roof of buildings and see the view. 

Also, I don´t think I´ve ever used so much public transportation in my life. I´m a pro now! Too bad there aren´t buses in Ruston, so this skill will not be of much use. 

That´s all I´ve got for now, but I´m sure I have a lot more to learn!

Finally an Update!

So sorry about the lack of communication since I´ve been here! I literally just figured out how to add a post to the blog haha, technology has never been my strong suit.

As of this past Thursday I have been in Mexico for three weeks. How crazy is that! A normal week for me consists of going to church on Sunday. There´s two churches that I can go to and I enjoy each of them. This morning I went to CDR and really enjoyed the music and message. It´s such an awesome thing to experience a church service in a different language. I feel like it provides a little taste of what it will be like in heaven, when people from every tribe and tongue will be worshipping the Father together. I get really excited when I know the song in English and I can belt it out haha. Today that happened when the band played Forever Reign and Rooftops!

Monday through Thursday is village work time! There are four different groups of people that are assigned a different village. My group consists of Katie, Nick and Natasha (sometimes), and I. Within our village, we are trying to build relationships with the people there and find out what they believe. It has been really encouraging in our village to find people so hospitable and open to us coming in to their lives. The first day we got to the village, immediately we were welcomed by the sweetest family, and by the end of the day we were considered part of the family. This family has been such a blessing to us in our work. They've introduced us to other people in the village and given us valuable information about the village. Our village assignment is the one that had the least amount of information known previously, so any information is greatly appreciated. It has been a mission for my team to find the believers that are already in the village. We are so close! Last week, Katie and I were walking around trying to get more familiar with areas of the village we hadn´t gone to yet and we stumbled upon some ruins. We saw a guy standing by his car, so we stopped and asked him what the ruins were of, and to our surprise it was the remains of a hundred year old CHRISTIAN church! We were so surprised because the majority of churches in Mexico are catholic and the majority of people are as well, so we got giddy when he told us that. He said that when the spanish came in to the village a hundred years ago they tore down the church and built their own; which is still standing in the middle of the village. This man also told us that the christians live in a separate part of the village than the catholics (really interesting). Our mission is to find them pronto! This man also said he would give us a tour of the village and we´re hoping he can clue us in on where the christians live.

Friday and Saturday are our days off! Fridays we have meeting with the other workers here and it´s always so encouraging to come together and here what the Lord is doing through the other teams and through different ministries. One weekend we went to see some ancient ruins, and before the trip is over, we´re going to see some other ones. Next weekend, we are going to a baseball game and then eventually the zoo!

I hope this gives a better idea about what exactly I´m doing more or less (mas o menos). Feel free to ask questions or comment if you´d like to know some more stuff. I probably left out a ton because I just now am updating this thing. I plan on doing another one today about cultural differences and similarities that I´ve noticed so far! Love you all and please keep me and my team in your prayers!